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Dates and schedule have been updated. Please check and submit your papers on time. We will reply you soon. For further inquiry email us at: info@academicfora.com
Click on Conference Category For Registration
Society For
Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities
Topics covered in conferences under BESSH
Interdisciplinary Children and Youth, Communications and Media, Complex Systems, Conflict resolution, Creativity, Culture Disaster Management, Discourse, Film studies, GLBT Studies, Gender studies, Globalization, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Identity, Interdisciplinary studies, Leadership, Memory, Multidisciplinary Studies, Poverty, Public Policy Security, Sexuality and eroticism, Spirituality, Sport science, Sustainable development, Tourism, Urban studies Violence, Women’s studies, conference alert |
Social Sciences and Humanities Anthropology, Art History, Arts, English, History, Information science, Islamic Studies, Language Linguistics, Literature, Local Government, Museums and heritage, Music, Occupational Science, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics, Popular Culture, Psychology, Religious studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, Women’s history, conference alert |
Education Distance Education, E-learning, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Teaching and Learning Regional Studies Go back up, African Studies, American Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies Law justice and legal studies |
Business and Economics Banking and finance, Business, Business Ethics, E-commerce, Economics, Human Resources, Management, Marketing |
Society For
Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences
Topics covered in conferences under ECBA
Engineering and Technology Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Bio medical Engineering, Biotechnology, Computer software and applications, Computing, Data Mining, Design, Energy, Engineering, Forestry, Image Processing, Information Technology, Internet and World Wide Web, Manufacturing, Military, Mining, Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, Networking, Polymers and Plastics, Renewable Energy, Robotics, Space Environment and Aviation Technology, Systems Engineering, Transport, conference alert |
Physical and life sciences Astronomy, Biodiversity, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Environment, GIS, Genetics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics, Soil, Waste Management, Water Mathematics and statistics Mathematics, Statistics Animal Sciences Veterinary Science |
Society For
Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences
Topics covered in conferences under MMHS
Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences The conference will cover vital issues in medical, medicine and health sciences under multiple sub-themes. The aim of our conference is to support, encourage and provide a platform for networking, sharing, publishing and nurturing the potential growth of individual scholars across the globe. |
Health Science Evidence Based Practice Resources, Healthcare Quality, Family Medicine, Forensic Science, Multimedia Resources, Nursing, Pharmacology , Public Health, Psychiatry and Mental Health, Rehabilitation Therapy, Resources for Health Sciences Research, Natural, Environmental and Health Sciences |
Medical Science Anatomy, Anesthesia, Neuroethology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Optogenetics, Optometry, Parasitology, Pathology, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Proteomics, Psychology, Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cancer Biology (IDP), Ophthalmology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Otolaryngology , Pathology, Dermatology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Genetics, Urology |

Society For
Multi-Disciplinary Conferences
Topics covered in conferences under
AFIC Multi-Disciplinary
Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities This conference is a premier platform for the presentation of novel and creative research results in the fields of theoretical, and applied Arts, Social Science, Economics, Humanities, Literature, Business and Management. The conference will bring together leading researchers, social workers, scientists, and students in the domain of scientific interest from around the world. |
Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences This conference is a premier platform for the presentation of novel and creative research results in the fields of theoretical, and applied Engineering & Technology, Computer and Information Technology, Basic and Applied Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, social workers, scientists, and students in the domain of scientific interest from around the world. The areas of interest for submission include, but are not limited to applied sciences, nanotechnology and evvironmental engineering |
Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences This conference is a premier platform for the presentation of novel and creative research results in the fields of theoretical, and applied Medical and medicine research, Health Sciences and Public Health research & practice. The conference will bring together leading researchers, social workers and scientists , students in the domain of scientific interest from around the world. The areas of interest for submission include, but are not limited to medical sciences, health sciences and public health. |

It has been an impressive experience to be able to join your recent prestigious conference in Tokyo, Japan,May 26-27, 2016. We look forward to participating in your next event. It has been such a great pleasure to work with you. Thank you very much indeed.
Thanks a lot Academicfora team for the great opportunity and all prompt communications.I am indeed privileged and proud to be a participant of ECBA 2016.I would like to sincerely record my thanks for the Academic Fora team for organizing such wonderful , well-organised international conferences in diverse areas.Its been a real platform for sharing research ideas and recent trends in technological developments. My sincere thanks and appreciations to the entire team!

We Welcome the scholars from following countries:
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